Davis Farms/ Caitlin Farms Neighborhood in Smyrna TN
Davis Farms subdivision is a gated community off Rocky Fork Road in Smyrna TN. This is an upscale neighborhood near I-24. This neighborhood has the privacy and larger footprints for the person looking for a little space. These homes are near Stewarts Creek schools.
For a quick drive through to see Davis Farms, from I-24E take exit 66A (Sam Ridley Pkwy), turn left on Blair, then right on Rocky Springs Rd, left on Cooks Ln, Left on Rocky Fork, Right on Caitlin Trail. Only 2 miles from Williamson County, 20 miles to Nashville airport and 20 minutes to Murfreesboro.
To verify school zones for this neighborhood, click here.
Jason Fraker, Red Realty, LLC
615-456-8016 direct
615-896-2RED office
#realestate #caitlinfarms