Jason and our President, Steven Dotson, had a great discussion on our Facebook page today about the market so far in 2018 and where we are headed as we close out this year. You can watch the video by clicking the image below. The full Red Report can be viewed here: RedReport-pdf-9-18.pdf
We are sharing an update on the Real Estate Market here in Middle TN to be sure you are up to date on how the market is trending. Steven Dotson, our President, put together this great update and I wanted to be sure to send over so you can stay up to date on what is happening in the market.
Summary from Steven Dotson:
While the National home sales seem to be cooling just a little bit, the local real-estate market continues to be hot as ever. National home sales are 3% lower for the year to date totals for 2018 vs 2017 compared to Locally, we are 5% higher for the year to date totals for 2018 vs 2017. I would contribute the difference in inventories. Locally, we have seen inventories increase so the sales have followed. Nationally, the inventories continue to be lower than previous years and the sales have followed with a slight decrease as well. Some economists have the opinion that higher prices and mortgage rates increasing have kept those on the lower end from being able to afford a home. Locally, we have such a low supply and high backed up demand for the lower end that is will take more price increases to slow down the lower end/first time buyer home sales.Most of the lower end listings continue to sell in days if not hours with multiple offers. We all guessed the sales would follow the inventories so that opinion continues to have validity by looking at the local and national trends.
FULL ARTICLE CLICK HERE: RedReport-pdf-6-18.pdf
The Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before Purchasing Your New Home
Read a little about each....
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Four Seasons Resort, a gated community on Center Hill Lake. Watch video below!